If you're in the market for a car, but find that the cost involved with purchasing a new vehicle are simply beyond your current means, chances are that you have been or will be considering a used car. If so, the chances of you finding the used car of your dreams are better than ever before. The used car market of today is dramatically different than in years past, as car auctions for used, repossessed, and even government-seized vehicles present more options than most consumers had ever thought possible.
Many of these auctions are a result of cars that have been repossessed or have been seized for whatever reason there is. This is a chance for a person to be able to afford that car that they at one time could have never been able to buy.
Used and repossessed auctions are generally conducted by dealerships to reduce their inventory or to meet an obligation with their supplier to not keep a large selection of competitor vehicles on the lots. Another reason is to provide a minimal degree of cash flow to the dealers in times of economic uncertainty such as we have seen recently.
Government-sanctioned car auctions for seized vehicles can often be an even better opportunity for finding the lowest prices. A government-run auction usually involves cars that have been seized as a result of the vehicle being involved in a criminal offense - most notably, drugs.
These vehicles could also have been seized due to taxes, penalties and fines being owed, this is very common when dealing with IRS auctions. The governments selling the vehicles is usually doing so to recover money spent in damages or the prosecution of the crime that the vehicle was related to. The best thing is that the nature of the auction and the fact that the community doesn't generally know a lot about them means you have a great selection to choose from at bargain basement prices.
For those who don't know where to look, finding information about a car auction can be a daunting task. Announcements about these events can usually be found in your local news paper in some areas the information is harder to find. To locate an auction in a location where they are not readily advertise simply call your local officials or do an online search. I great way to find out about seizure auctions is simply to call the police and ask an administrator in the drug or vice division when the next seizure and impound auction will be held.
As you are searching online for car auctions in your area, you will no doubt encounter another aspect of the growing auction industry - the online car auction. If you've ever visited eBay, you probably already have an idea of what you can expect from an online car auction site: thousands of listed vehicles (often with vehicle background checks available upon request), at prices that can sometimes save you as much as 80-90% off of the listed sales price.
Before you delve into any of these car auctions, however, take the time to decide what you want and need from your purchase. The easiest way to ensure that you find the vehicle you are looking for is to decide what you want before you begin. Decide upon the features you need, and the price you are willing to pay.
Just remember that any type of auction is a fast paced environment and can be very exciting. When you do find the thing that you are wanting you might get caught up and either not make a bid or more likely over bid in the rush to win the vehicle. Have a plan that is well researched and have realistic expectations about the auction and you might just walk away with the car of your dream for thousands less that any other method out there. - 30329
Many of these auctions are a result of cars that have been repossessed or have been seized for whatever reason there is. This is a chance for a person to be able to afford that car that they at one time could have never been able to buy.
Used and repossessed auctions are generally conducted by dealerships to reduce their inventory or to meet an obligation with their supplier to not keep a large selection of competitor vehicles on the lots. Another reason is to provide a minimal degree of cash flow to the dealers in times of economic uncertainty such as we have seen recently.
Government-sanctioned car auctions for seized vehicles can often be an even better opportunity for finding the lowest prices. A government-run auction usually involves cars that have been seized as a result of the vehicle being involved in a criminal offense - most notably, drugs.
These vehicles could also have been seized due to taxes, penalties and fines being owed, this is very common when dealing with IRS auctions. The governments selling the vehicles is usually doing so to recover money spent in damages or the prosecution of the crime that the vehicle was related to. The best thing is that the nature of the auction and the fact that the community doesn't generally know a lot about them means you have a great selection to choose from at bargain basement prices.
For those who don't know where to look, finding information about a car auction can be a daunting task. Announcements about these events can usually be found in your local news paper in some areas the information is harder to find. To locate an auction in a location where they are not readily advertise simply call your local officials or do an online search. I great way to find out about seizure auctions is simply to call the police and ask an administrator in the drug or vice division when the next seizure and impound auction will be held.
As you are searching online for car auctions in your area, you will no doubt encounter another aspect of the growing auction industry - the online car auction. If you've ever visited eBay, you probably already have an idea of what you can expect from an online car auction site: thousands of listed vehicles (often with vehicle background checks available upon request), at prices that can sometimes save you as much as 80-90% off of the listed sales price.
Before you delve into any of these car auctions, however, take the time to decide what you want and need from your purchase. The easiest way to ensure that you find the vehicle you are looking for is to decide what you want before you begin. Decide upon the features you need, and the price you are willing to pay.
Just remember that any type of auction is a fast paced environment and can be very exciting. When you do find the thing that you are wanting you might get caught up and either not make a bid or more likely over bid in the rush to win the vehicle. Have a plan that is well researched and have realistic expectations about the auction and you might just walk away with the car of your dream for thousands less that any other method out there. - 30329
About the Author:
A car auction is the greatest place to find a great deal on a car. Finding a car auction in your area does not have to be hard to find if you visit this site today.