Then out of the smoke and darkness, our Government stepped forward and said sign this paper and We will keep you safe! Americans did not look at the paper because they were scared. Nobody thought of the consequences. All we wanted was to feel safe again. No one thought twice when President Bush signed into law The Patriot Act on October 26, 2001. The contrived acronym stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.
Eventually the smoke cleared, we wiped the blood from our noses, and the fear subsided. We started getting back into our normal routines, although the horror of 9-11 had been permanently etched upon our minds, engraved into our souls.
In 2002, George W signed the "Homeland Security Act" and created the United States Department of Homeland Security. With 9-11 behind us, freedom loving Americans began to wonder if the US Government was using 9-11 as an excuse to infringe upon our constitutional rights. People began to question if, in our state of panic, we'd given away the very rights and freedoms that make America, America! When the Act was first signed, it was suppose to "sunset" by the year 2005. Instead, George W made the Act permanent by signing it into law in 2006.
Now the Government had virtually unlimited power to do whatever it wanted under the disguise of keeping us safe! In our moment of weakness, We had willingly signed away our constitutional right to privacy, our protections against illegal search and seizure? The law is very far reaching and has been criticized as being a threat to our most basic liberties
I just think about the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been sacrificed to protect the very rights the so called "Patriot Act" has taken away. Just the thought makes me sick. It's an affront to every American Soldier who has fought, been injured, or died to protect these rights for all American Citizens.
Soon after the Act was signed into law, we began seeing the Government use these powers to monitor United States Citizen's phone logs, Internet traffic records, and bank and credit information. The FBI and other Government Agencies are abusing their newly expanded powers to investigate US Citizens who may or may not be involved in Criminal Activity. In fact, there is solid evidence that certain departments of the US Government and law enforcement are actually using the powers granted to them to stop terrorism to actually "fish" for criminals. As time has passed, more and more groups and individuals are coming forward to complain about the abuses and to demand an end to the US Patriot Act. The governments continued response is, they need the powers to keep us safe.
On November 5, 2009 an Army Psychiatrist opens fire on an Army base killing 12 people and wounding 31. We later learn that the government had been monitoring this person and had knowledge that he was in communication with known terrorists, yet they elected to do nothing.
On December 25th 2009, a Man boarded a plane heading to Detroit tries to ignite a bomb. Luckily, he was stopped by passengers. Again, the Patriot Act did not ensure our safety.
Since the Patriot Act was signed into law, it's obvious that even though We have given up our freedoms in the name of Safety, nothing had changed. We are no safer then we were on September 10th 2001. All that has Changed is we've lost the basic Freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
Today, it appears that the US Government is using the US Patriot Act as a way to ferret out would be criminals, but what about tomorrow? Since 2001, this great nation has been in constant "Crisis". We had the Financial Crisis, Housing Crisis, Credit Crisis, and we are now in a Health Care Crisis. Seems like there is nothing better than a good Crisis to keep Americans from thinking about De-Industrialization, Inflation, the rise in fuel prices, Joblessness, and the coming consequences of our tremendous debt.
Does anyone remember the Terrorism threat of the late 60's & 70's? What about the Civil Rights Activists and Anti-War Activists? I bet if the Government had the technology and the powers they have today, they could have nipped those movements in the bud.
Has anyone ever seen a Homeland Security truck in their neighborhood? You know, the ones with about 20 antennas on them. Do you think there is a possibility that they are driving around your neighborhood eaves dropping on you and your neighbors conversations? Better watch what you say. You wouldn't want them coming down on you for being some anti government zealot or terrorist for saying what you really think. I wouldn't want to see you get arrested because you we're planning on attending a "Tea Party".
How many rights do we have to lose? How far will we watch this once great Nation fall until we finally say enough? We're being swindled out of our Children's futures by the Global Corporations and a corrupt US Government. When do we start to say enough is enough? The time has come for all Americans to stand up for the freedoms and rights that our forefathers fought for and many true Patriots died for. The simple truth is we are stronger and safer as a Free America then We will ever be as a Government/Corporate Controlled America !!!
Do yourself a favor, take a few minutes to read the Bill of Rights and the American Constitution. These are the documents that were crafted by our forefathers to protect us not from terrorism, but from our own government and to ensure that all Americans would enjoy the freedom they worked so hard for.Today, America is still a Free Country, One Nation Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for ALL. Standing on the principles of freedom against a Corrupt Government is Americas Foundation. It seems we're at a cross roads. We can stand up for what we know to be right, to fight as our forefathers have or we can let America fall.
It begins with a letter to your elected officials. Electing independent candidates who aren't part of the status quo. Pushing for campaign finance reform so that the Global Corporations don't control our Government. Participating in Protests, Rally's and National Strikes!!!
Written by Your Bro LJ James with Thanks going out to for all their help
About the Author:
LJ is a independent writer on the American Biker world and hosts a weekly internet radio Motorcycle Show LJ has taken lots of years working to show how great the Biker world is and to let people know while shows like Sons of Anarchy are fun they are Fiction